HOW TO ADVERTISE IN COMPUFREEBIES NO WORD LIMIT YOUR AD AS LONG AS YOU LIKE We will now be accepting advertisement here in CompuFreebies. This shareware program is one of the most popular in the U.S. It is a top seller in many catalogs and has been featured on the cover of some catalogs. CompuFreebies is in all the top-rated shareware catalogs. The top 10 account for at least 85 percent of the shareware market in terms of total disk sales for all shareware. The shareware market is experiencing heavy growth as people realize the benefits of shareware. Because we have wide circulation your ad will be reviewed by thousands of computer users each month. Shareware users cover a wide range of backgrounds and computer experience. What type of person purchases this shareware file you have now? Just about every range of experience, occupation, income level, educational level, etc. you can think of. Unlike more specialized programs such as utilities or other files that require an experienced user, CompuFreebies cuts across all boundaries. There is nothing that would prevent the most experienced computer user from selecting our file. The educational value of this file is more valuable, I feel, than material items. However, there is always a strong appeal for receiving something free which has value. One advantage of placing an 'electronic ad' as opposed to a computer publication is that with paper, people turn the page if they see an ad they're not interested in. If they did not read your ad, that's one lost customer because of someone else's ad. This is especially true if there are many ads crowded on one page. With an electronic ad only your ad appears at one time and each one MUST be read before going to the next. Another advantage is that you cannot put a large order form in a publication without costing thousands of dollars. There is also a cost per word and you have to worry about editing. With our ads here, there is no limit as to the number of words or the size of your order form. That's right, your ad can be as large as you like. The price is the same no matter how large. Many people buy on 'impulse' and if they can print an order form right away or quickly write down your number they will most likely purchase a product. With a paper ad, they must write down a long address and other information, keep it aside and maybe later get back to it. With your order form printed out with the necessary information, ordering your products will be very easy. When they turn off their computer they will have your order form on paper sitting there waiting in a very orderly fashion. You can even design it in such a way that an address appears on the page and the user simply folds and puts postage on it. Also, with a paper catalog there is a tendency to leave it aside for reading every so often. Later, they will have to search through many pages for your ad. Here, they can search by company or product name and 'mark' the place where they left off. And don't forget that once they see a product they like they can print quickly. With a paper catalog or magazine, they may not want to tear out your ad as they may destroy an article they want. We also offer a feature that paper catalogs cannot offer and most other diskette catalogs do not have. One of these is the ability to print your order form with a simple command. Only the order forms or ads that people want can be printed. A user can simply 'block' your ad or order form and print automatically. Basically, a user easily highlights any part of your ad and simply presses ALT P to print. Most other catalogs charge by the word and do not accept large order forms. We do. Another exclusive feature is that you can name the product category under which your ad will appear. There is no problem with creating a new category. If you have an unusual product this is an advantage. They will be in alphabetical order and companies within each category will appear in alphabetical order. You can put any ascii graphics in the ad or around the edges. All ads must be submitted on diskette (any size) as an ascii file along with a phone number where you can be reached during the evening. We can also help design your ad for free. The ad will appear in a section marked 'SERVICES' on the main menu. Check that section to see our present ad(s). How does this all work and what are the charges? We will accept ads to run for a minimum of two months. The periods are as follows: Jan 1 to Mar 1 Mar 1 to May 1 May 1 to Jul 1 Jul 1 to Sep 1 Sep 1 to Nov 1 Nov 1 to Jan 1 Please contact us for the latest prices. Because shareware files circulate for many years I didn't want to include a price that would be out of date (the price could be lower than what would be listed here). All ads must be pre-paid and submitted at least 2 weeks before the first of the month of the 2-month period you've selected. No ads can be accepted from shareware distributors. Sorry! However, ads for services or products for shareware distributors or authors are fine. All ads are subject to review before acceptance. No ads for x-rated services or products will be accepted. You can purchase any combination of 2 month periods. There is no penalty for skipping a period. Ads can be up to 70 characters across and no limit going down - within reason. Send your ads on disk (with payment if it's close to the beginning of a 2 month period) or requests for further information to: LOUIS PUCCIO INFOLIST 90 CHURCH ST (Phone 212 734 8458) BOX 2517 NY, NY 10008 No need to register this file before submitting an ad. Thanks for reviewing this section!